Relax Your Stress Away: 10 Great Ways to De-Stress

Your shoulders are tense, your back hurts. You feel grouchy and you know it’s all due to stress. What can you do? The relaxation techniques described below can help relieve both the physical and emotional tension that often follows stressful situations.

Relax Your Body

The next time you feel the effects of too much stress, try some of the following ways to help you relax.
  1. Deep Breathing. While sitting, lying down, or standing, close your eyes and breathe in slowly. Let the breath out for a count of 5-10 seconds. Take ten of these super-relaxers any time you feel tense.
  2. Stretching. Practice simple stretches such as the “neck stretch”: stretch your neck by gently rolling your head in a half-circle, starting at one side, then drop your chin to your chest, then to the other side.
  3. Exercise. All kinds of physical activity-hiking, running, walking, etc.-help to reduce stress.
  4. Take a bath. Ask household members to allow you at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. You can even make your own bubble bath, check out the recipe in my blog DIY: Essential Oil Recipes.
  5. Eat Well. Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake. Find out if your diet is well-balanced, and take steps to eat healthily to help reduce stress.

Relax Your Emotions

Relaxing your emotions can be just as important as relaxing your body in relieving stress.
  1. Talk. Take the time to talk with a friend or family member. Express your feelings you might have been holding in. Listen carefully to what your friend or family member says back to you. Talking out what is causing your stress and getting another point of view can really help you de-stress and move forward.
  2. Laugh. Watch a funny movie, listen to a funny PodCast, or call up a friend or family member who always brings a smile to your face.
  3. Cry. Crying can be as good a release as laughing. If you haven’t cried in a long time, try listening to sad music, watching a sad movie, or writing about a sad experience.
  4. Read. A good book is a great escape. Reading a tearjerker or comedy can help release pent-up emotions.
  5. Do something you love. I know right now, a lot of things we love doing are off-limits, but be creative. If you love to work out, find a YouTube channel to follow that has free workouts that you can do at home. If you love to try new restaurants, you can order in and still experience a new flavor.

Let me know in the comments what de-stresser you will try or if you have one that is not listed here, that works for you.

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